Chorus of the Atlantic

The Chorus of the Atlantic, a Mid-Atlantic District Chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society, an international organization of a cappella singers specializing in the barbershop harmony style, meets at Red Bank Middle School, 101 Harding Road in Red Bank, New Jersey.   Check our calendar for exception to meeting dates.

“Almost every one of our members came for the music, but each of us stayed for the camaraderie and satisfaction that comes with contributing to an organization like the Chorus of the Atlantic,” says Terry Schmalzried, chapter president “We welcome men who like to sing - even if it’s just in the privacy of their cars - to come learn a little about a musical organization that brings novice singers together with experienced performers and has multiple generations standing shoulder-to-shoulder as they share their love for barbershop harmony.”

The Chorus of the Atlantic is an award-winning chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society that performs under the direction of Craig J. Page, an accomplished director, performer and music educator. “You don't need to read music," director Page explained.  "We'll teach you everything you need to know to sing richly and resonantly and produce ear-pleasing harmony.  You'll soon be enjoying the ringing of beautiful a cappella chords, the company of a great bunch of fellow singers, and the thrill of performing for enthusiastic audiences.”

New singers attending will learn how the different voice parts blend to make that unique barbershop sound, will enjoy vocal demonstrations by the chorus, and will have an opportunity for singing with the chorus.

Chorus of the Atlantic primarily sings in the barbershop harmony style, which traces its musical roots back to the turn of the 20th century. Today, barbershop harmony singers not only celebrate the classics, but also put their own spin on contemporary songs as well.